Last month we posted about Paris, a sweetheart kitty who happens to be deaf, who has been with HHAS since July of 2018. This wonderful girl is very loving, friendly and gentle. In addition to her hearing problems, Paris has some chronic health issues, including a respiratory condition and diminished air flow in her nostrils. She has already received anti-bacterial, anti-viral and steroids drugs without success along with a scope in her throat, which came back clear.
In May we started a GoFundMe campaign called “Help Paris the Deaf Cat.” The results have been amazing, and in under 3 weeks we have raised almost half the money Paris needs in order to be diagnosed and treated for her chronic breathing issues! But we still have a ways to go in order to get her the treatment that she needs and deserves, so that she can find her Forever Home and be a healthy, happy kitty.
In order for doctors to diagnose the cause of these health issues, it is imperative she receives additional tests including a nasal CT, rhinoscopy and nasal biopsies. Before she can receive these tests, full chemistry and blood panels are needed. The total cost of Paris’s treatment is going to be $5,000. But as we said, we’re over halfway there!
You can help Paris get the tests and treatment she needs by using the donation form below! We want to treat Paris’ chronic health conditions so she can be adoptable and live a long and healthy life with a Forever Family. We would very much appreciate your kindness and support, and Paris would be forever grateful.
If you can’t donate, we ask that you share this message with your friends, family and coworkers. We also have shared Paris’s story to our Facebook page and our Twitter using the hash tag #helpParis, so if you or your friends are there you can help spread the word! Humane Haven Animal Shelter is a 100% volunteer organization and is reliant on donations to provide food, shelter and medical care to the many cats and kittens that find refuge with us. This campaign is very important to ensure Paris’s medical care! Through your action and assistance, we can help the community-focused volunteers of Humane Haven Animal Shelter to get Paris the medical care she needs and deserves to be a healthy, happy and adoptable kitty!
Here are some more photos of our sweet girl who needs your help!